5 tips to edit your own writing like a pro

5 tips to edit your own writing like a pro

As a total word nerd, I’m mortified when a typo makes it onto the internet on my watch. And while I do notice others’ typos and grammatical slips, I tend not to judge them as harshly as I judge myself. I might be on my own there though – I see people all the time who...
how to work effectively with your virtual assistant

how to work effectively with your virtual assistant

So you’ve taken the leap and engaged a VA – hooray! What happens now? A lot of the time, things will go one of two ways: You want things off your plate so you start assigning a few things but you end up doing a lot yourself because ‘it’s just easier’ if you do...
how to get the most from your day

how to get the most from your day

Towards the end of last year I often found myself working reactively instead of being in charge of my time. This meant I spent a lot of time feeling overwhelmed, ineffective, and guilty about logging out when there was still so much on my to do list. This year I’m on...