how i decide what to invest in for my business
We service-based business owners often run a pretty lean ship, especially in the earlier years of our business. Which means we want to be sure that where we invest is going to pay off. When I first started my business I had a redundacy payout sitting in my bank...
what we’re getting wrong about productivity
As a solo, service-based business owner, I am very familiar with productivity. The usual starting point for selling services is time = money, so virtual assistants aim to get very good at maximising the value we can squeeze into every hour. The topic has also...
9 lessons from 9 years as a solo business owner
Earlier this year I celebrated 9 years of running my business (whaaaat?!). It’s kind of weird, because I never officially set out to “start a business” - I needed an income, I didn’t like any of the jobs on Seek, so I thought well maybe I can help people and they’ll...
3 key questions to support your planning
Whether you’re a deep-and-detailed planner or you tend to be more loosely guided by a vision and some juicy ideas, every business owner will spend some time planning what the next month, 6 months, or year will look like for them. There’s a bunch of resources available...
how I prepared my business for a holiday
How often are you taking time off from your virtual assistant or OBM business? As in fully stepping away, off the tools, head out of the game? Chances are, if you're a solo service-based business owner, this isn't happening nearly as often as it should! As I write...
which online course platform should i choose?
If you’re preparing to launch your first online course, chances are a big question in your mind is: which is the best platform for my online course? I’ve been asked this question 3 times in the past couple of weeks, and I see it all the time in groups where online...
the 1 thing that will make or break your business
My love of the online space and the possibilities it can create was sparked when I decided to start a personal blog back in 2012. And when I started my business, I thought I would have allllll the time in the world for my lovely little blog! I was wrong… Fortunately...
one small tweak to help habits stick
As I’m sure you’ve noticed by now, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and personal development fiends love to talk about habits. And it makes sense because the right habits can help to remove decision fatigue, free up space for creativity, streamline your business...
OBM or VA: what’s the difference?
"What is an online business manager? If you’ve started your outsourcing journey (hooray!), chances are you’ve come across the term OBM, or online business manager - and it might have left you scratching your head. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! That’s why I thought I...
how to tackle imposter syndrome
On the weekend, I was chatting with a good friend about our career aspirations (or, in my case, business trajectory dreaming), and I was surprised when he told me that he’d experienced imposter syndrome not so long ago. This surprised me for a couple of reasons....